Salvia cedrosensis

Cedros Island Sage

Salvia cedrosensis

Salvia cedrosensis (from the Cedros Island and Vizcaino Peninsula in Baja, California) is in bloom most of the year for us. Only a foot or two in height and width, it forms a bushy fountain of gray/light green stems (see photo below) and small leaves covered in very fine felt. Along the top of the mound are short spikes of small light blue and white flowers, held by a grayish calyx that has the slightest purple tinge.

There is also an all-white flowered selection called ‘Baja Blanca’ which was introduced by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden in the fall of 2002; so far it seems to have a similar habit.

We have good luck with many Baja specimens in our garden, and Salvia cedrosensis is no exception. It loves sun, and requires little water after you get it established. A native to rocky and gravelly soil, ours is fine on a hillside in clay with good drainage.

Salvia cedrosensis

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