Plant Introductions

As we grow many plants from naturally-pollinated seed, we keep an attentive eye open for interesting hybrids and selections. We also find that some seed we collect or purchase will produce seedlings that are a little different from the norm.

One of our hybrids - Eriogonum 'Wild Cascade' (an Ashyleaf Buckwheat hybrid that has the characteristics of a prostrate California Buckwheat, but with much larger foliage) - is now entering the trade through nurseries such as Native Sons and Suncrest. This seed was originally sent to us from The Theodore Payne Foundation from a nice form of Ashyleaf Buckwheat (Eriogonum cinereum) that was growing in their sales yard. Obviously, the local pollinators thought it tasted good mixed with a more prostrate buckwheat growing nearby!

We also have a few interesting color forms of Sphaeralcea munroana hybrids we hope to be releasing soon. Our original form is a lovely apricot mallow that is native to California and that the bees adore (the flower color is not unlike Sphaeralcea ambigua but S. munroana grows upright and we find it easier to grow). The seed we've collected have produced flowers in shades from apricot to peach to pink, so we believe it's crossing with Sphaeralcea fendleri var. venusta, which has pink/lilac blooms. The hybrids are perfect if you're creating a drought-tolerant "cottage garden" look! (Note: Many plants were sold incorrectly in Southern California as S. munroana. If yours is a low-growing, pinky-red flowers, it's likely the imposter S. philipiana from South America.)

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